Never Too Late
Nehemiah Cisneros
February 20 - April 22
Gallery Reception: March 16, 5 - 8 p.m.
Never Too Late is a survey exhibition of work created by Nehemiah Cisneros between
2016 and 2022 during his academic training as a student of the arts at Santa Monica
College, Kansas City Art Institute and the University of California Los Angeles. The
exhibition features selections by Cisneros, what he refers to as his “greatest hits”
leading up to completing his graduate degree at UCLA.
Nehemiah Cisneros’ paintings bring to life magnified expressions of humanity through
grotesquely exaggerated renderings of authority figures and icons. His work merges
the graphic aesthetics of 1990s skateboard graphics with the theatrical scale of Baroque
painting from the 1600s. Informed by his experiences of growing up in Mid City Los
Angeles, Cisneros utilizes the imagery and history of cultural stereotypes to explore
the socio/political relationship between authority and people of color. Cisneros examines
how mainstream culture, criminality, and the judicial system affect and continue to
fail marginalized communities through his juxtaposition of historical and fictional
imagery. Through satire, Cisneros highlights the fetishized worldview news media consumers
have become addicted to seeing. Nehemiah received his BFA in painting from the Kansas
City Art Institute in 2021 and is the recipient of the New Opportunities Fellowship
at UCLA School of Arts and Architecture, where he will complete his MFA in 2024.