The pathway below represents an efficient and effective course taking sequence for this program. Individual circumstances might require some changes to this pathway. It is always recommended that you meet with an academic counselor to develop a personalized educational plan.
The courses have been intentionally placed and should be prioritized in
the order
in which they appear. If you are unable to take all the courses in
a semester, you
should prioritize enrolling in the courses in the order below.
Some courses have
been noted as “Appropriate for Intersession” . Should you need (or want) to take
in the summer and/or winter intersessions,
the program recommends these courses as appropriate for the condensed
schedule of
the intersessions.
Some pathways combine a “Certificate of Achievement” and an “Associate
Degree”. If
you are pursuing only the Certificate of Achievement, you are only
required to take
the courses marked “Program Requirement” .
All pathways include at least one “Gateway Course” which introduces you to the program and/or field of study and helps you
decide if you want to continue with this Academic and Career Path.
Most Associate degrees (though not Associate Degrees for Transfer)
require satisfying the SMC Global Citizenship requirement. If the Program
Requirements do not include a “Global Citizenship course” , be sure to select a General Education course that also satisfies Global Citizenship.
The Associate in Science in Nutrition and Dietetics for Transfer (AS-T) involves the understanding of nutrient metabolism and the relationship to optimal health including prevention of degenerative diseases. The course of study provides an integrated curriculum of nutrition coursework along with a solid background in the human body, chemical function and metabolism of nutrients, and the sociological implications of food and behavior. Throughout the degree students will acquire and develop knowledge and skills that will provide a solid background in nutrition so that students can make informed decisions on their personal health.
Upon completion of the Associate in Science in Nutrition and Dietetics for Transfer (AS-T), students will have a strong academic foundation in the field and be prepared for upper division baccalaureate study. Completion of the degree indicates that the student will have satisfied the lower division requirements for transfer into a Nutrition and Dietetics program for many campuses in the California State University system.
Upon completion of the program, students will:
- Upon completion of the program, students will demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the relationship of nutrients and lifestyle factors and the associated risk of degenerative diseases. Students will demonstrate knowledge of physiological processes such as digestion, absorption, transport and metabolism of nutrients. Students will also be able to recognize and separate scientifically supported information from misinformation, and identify ways in which social factors influence food related choices, practices and beliefs.
Icon Key
Gateway Course
Program Requirement
General Education
Appropriate for Intersession
Available Online
Global Citizenship
Semester 1
16-18 Units
Human nutrition, integrating anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and psychology, is studied in relation to wellness and degenerative disease prevention. Scientific information and principles provide the foundation for evaluating current concepts in nutrition for practical application in daily living.
- Skills Advisory: ENGL 21B
- B2 - Life Science
- E - Lifelong Understanding and Self-Development
- Area I: Natural Science
Chemistry 10 is a survey of introductory chemistry topics with a laboratory component. It is intended as preparation for Chemistry major or those planning to go into a STEM major or as a way to fulfill the science general education requirement. It introduces the main concepts and principles of chemistry and serves as a prerequisite for the General Chemistry sequence (CHEM 11 and CHEM 12). Emphasis is placed on understanding basic chemical principles and their quantitative application in various settings. Experimental techniques, including the safe and competent handling of chemicals and laboratory equipment will also be part of the course.
- Prerequisite: MATH 31 or
- Prerequisite: MATH 49
- 5A: Physical Science
- 5C: Physical or Biological Science LABORATORY
- B1 - Physical Science
- B3 - Laboratory Sciences
- Area I: Natural Science
This course covers concepts and procedures of descriptive statistics, elementary probability theory and inferential statistics. Course content includes: summarizing data; computation and interpretation of descriptive statistics;; classical probability theory; probability distributions; binomial, normal, T, Chi-square and F distributions; making inferences; decisions and predictions. This course develops, analyzes, and interprets confidence intervals for population parameters, hypothesis testing for both one and two populations, correlation and regression, ANOVA, and test for independence. This course develops statistical thinking through the study of applications in variety of disciplines. The use of a statistical/graphing calculator and/or statistical analysis software is integrated into the course.
- Prerequisite: MATH 20 or
- Prerequisite: MATH 18 or
- Prerequisite: MATH 49 or
- Prerequisite: MATH 50
- 2A: Mathematic
- B4 - Mathematics/Quantitative Thinking
- Area IV-B: Language and Rationality (Group B) Option 1
This introductory course in rhetoric emphasizes clear, effective written communication and preparation of the research paper.
- Prerequisite: ENGL 21B or
- Prerequisite: ENGL 22
- Prerequisite: ESL 19B or
- Prerequisite: Group A on the Placement Test
- 1A: English Composition
- A2 - Written Communication
- Area IV-A: Language and Rationality (Group A)
NUTR 3 recommended
Semester 2
14-16 Units
This course is an intensive study of the gross and microscopic structure of the human body including the four major types of tissue and their subgroups, and the following organ systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive, endocrine, nervous, and senses. Functions of the organ systems are included at the introductory level to prepare students for a course in Human Physiology. Laboratory assignments develop the skills of observation, investigation, identification, discovery and dissection. The use of actual specimens, including cat dissection and observation of a human cadaver, is emphasized to assure that students learn the relative structure, functions, textures and variations in tissues not incorporated in models. Supplemental materials such as models, photographs, charts, videotapes, and digitized images are also provided. This course is required for students preparing for many Allied Health professions including, but not limited to, Nursing, Respiratory Therapy, Physical Therapy, Physical Education and Kinesiology Training, and Physician’s Assistant and is a prerequisite for Human Physiology 3.
- Prerequisite: ENGL 1
- 5B: Biological Science
- 5C: Physical or Biological Science LABORATORY
- B2 - Life Science
- B3 - Laboratory Sciences
- Area I: Natural Science
This course is the first semester of a two-semester, standard first year college chemistry course (Chemistry 11 and Chemistry 12). It introduces the fields of physical, analytical, inorganic, and organic chemistry. Topics to be discussed include atomic structure, chemical bonding, common types of reactions, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, and the properties of gases, liquids, and solids.
- Prerequisite: CHEM 10 and
- Prerequisite: MATH 20 and
- 5A: Physical Science
- 5C: Physical or Biological Science LABORATORY
- B1 - Physical Science
- B3 - Laboratory Sciences
- Area I: Natural Science
This course helps students to develop their critical thinking and writing skills beyond the level achieved in English 1. The course emphasizes the application of logical reasoning, analysis, and strategies of argumentation in critical thinking and writing, using literature (both fiction and non-fiction) and literary criticism as subject matter.
- Prerequisite: ENGL 1
- 1B: Critical Thinking-English Composition
- 3B: Humanities
- A3 - Critical Thinking
- C2 - Humanities
- Area III: Humanities
This class is designed for students who are either undecided about their educational or career goals, validating their decisions, or seeking to transition into a new career. Students are guided through a process that focuses on their individual interests, skills, personality and values to aid in the selection of a major, determine a career direction and develop career goals. Students will relate their self-assessment information to possible college major and career choices. Decision-making models and goal setting techniques are examined and will be used to develop short and long term education and career plans.
- E - Lifelong Understanding and Self-Development
NUTR 7 recommended; NUTR 8 required for CSUN, CSULA, CSULB
Semester 3
16 Units
This general biology course is for transfer students who are not biology majors. Topics include basic molecular and cellular biology, genetics, the anatomy and physiology of plants, animals and humans, the diversity of life, evolution, and ecology. Current environmental issues and new developments in biological science are discussed. Laboratory experiences are integrated and stress scientific methodology and thinking. *Credit is allowed for one course from either Biology 3, 4, Botany 1. No UC credit given for Biology 3 if taken after Biology 21, 22 or 23.
- Skills Advisory: Eligibility for English 1
- 5B: Biological Science
- 5C: Physical or Biological Science LABORATORY
- B2 - Life Science
- B3 - Laboratory Sciences
- Area I: Natural Science
This is the first course of a three-course lecture and laboratory sequence for Biology majors, including Biology 21, 22, and 23. It describes how scientists approach the scientific method to generate scientific knowledge; studies the history, evidence, and mechanisms of evolution; identifies the chemistry of four classes of macromolecules; elucidates the cell principle including cell structure, function, and physiology; describes general energy metabolism; and illustrates the processes of growth and reproduction through mitosis, meiosis, development, and life cycles. Students are required to perform at least two experiments that require data collection, computer-based data management and graphing, and scientific analysis and interpretation of data. The course is designed to meet the needs of students transferring to upper division biology study.
- Prerequisite: CHEM 11
- Skills Advisory: Eligibility for English 1
- 5B: Biological Science
- 5C: Physical or Biological Science LABORATORY
- B2 - Life Science
- B3 - Laboratory Sciences
- Area I: Natural Science
This rigorous course provides a basic understanding of physiological mechanisms with a focus on the human body. Basic concepts of cellular physiology, including: molecular control; mechanisms of gene expression; ligand-binding site interactions; energy and cellular metabolism; membrane transport; membrane and action potentials; and cellular communication, including signal transduction, will be integrated within the concept of homeostasis involving the following body systems: nervous, sensory, endocrine, muscle, skeletal, cardiovascular, lymphatic, immune, respiratory, renal, digestive, reproductive, and integumentary. The course content includes both general and clinical applications and is intended to prepare students for advanced courses in Allied Health and Medical professions including Nursing, Physical Therapy, Respiratory Therapy, Physician's Assistant, Pharmacy, and Exercise Science/Kinesiology Training.
- Prerequisite: ANATMY 1 and
- Prerequisite: CHEM 19 or
- Prerequisite: CHEM 10 or
- Prerequisite: Eligibility for Chemistry 11
- Skills Advisory: Eligibility for English 1
- 5B: Biological Science
- 5C: Physical or Biological Science LABORATORY
- B2 - Life Science
- B3 - Laboratory Sciences
- Area I: Natural Science
US History recommended
See the full list: CSU GE Area C2 Course
CSU GE Area A1 Course 3 units
POL SC 1 or SOCIOL 1 recommended
See the full list: CSU GE Area D Course
Semester 4
14 Units
This course involves study of several types of microorganisms with emphasis on bacteria. Principles of microbiology, metabolism, genetics, immunology, and medical and nonmedical applications are considered. The laboratory includes aseptic transfer techniques, cultural characteristics, methods of microscopy, and analytical techniques for identifying microbial organisms. The course content is related to both general and clinical applications including recent molecular biological and serological techniques.
- Prerequisite: CHEM 10 or
- Prerequisite: CHEM 19 or
- Prerequisite: eligibility for Chemistry 11 and
- Prerequisite: PHYS 3 or
- Prerequisite: BIOL 3 or
- Prerequisite: BIOL 21
- Skills Advisory: eligibility for English 1
- 5B: Biological Science
- 5C: Physical or Biological Science LABORATORY
- B2 - Life Science
- B3 - Laboratory Sciences
- Area I: Natural Science
This course is an introduction to the science and practice of psychology. It provides students with an overview of the core areas of the field and an introduction to the various ways in which psychologists conduct research as well as well-known theories and classic psychological studies. Course content includes biopsychology; states of consciousness; human development; learning and memory; intelligence; social and environmental influence; theories of personality; and psychological disorders.
- Skills Advisory: Eligibility for English 1
- 4I: Psychology
- D9 - Psychology
- E - Lifelong Understanding and Self-Development
- Area II-B: Social Science (Group B)