Curriculum Committee

Accused of Cheating?


If you have been accused of committing an act of academic dishonesty in violation of the SMC Honor Code and Code of Academic Conduct, be aware that you have a right to due process. An instructor's or another college official's accusation of academic dishonesty will stand unless you appeal these charges. If you believe you have been wrongfully accused and would like to appeal this accusation, be sure to read our appeal procedures. While we will seek informal resolution, some cases warrant a full, formal hearing of the case. Procedures to request a hearing are found on the SMC Honor Council Hearing Board's website.

Confused about the accusation? What does the accusation mean?

If you have been accused of any of the following but are unsure what it "means," review the items below.


Remember to follow your instructor's specific requirements for the style of source citation appropriate for your course of study. If you have any doubts, always be sure to speak with your instructor (rather than attempting to guess on your own).