All course and program (degrees/certificates) proposals must be submitted via META. This includes all new proposals as well as all proposed revisions (substantial and non-substantial changes).  Please review the META Handbook for information on using the new system.

If you need assistance, please contact your representative for the Curriculum Committee.

To request a META account, email Rachel Demski, Curriculum Specialist.

Course Requisite/Advisory Worksheets

If you are including requisites or advisories with a new course, OR changing the requisities or advisories for an existing course, please complete the necessary worksheet and attach under "Attached Files" in your Course Proposal in META:

Program Narrative Templates

If you are submitting a new program for approval (Associate Degree for Transfer, Associate Degrees, Certificates of Achievement, or Department Certificates), be sure to complete the appropriate narrative template and upload in "Attached Files" in META before launching the program.