
Kai Loon Low


Kai Loon Low

Computer Science

I came to SMC in July 2019 to begin my fall semester. It was a daunting, yet exciting moment for me to travel all the way from Malaysia to Los Angeles for further studies. My most memorable moment is definitely my winter session 2019, taking 8 units worth of classes. I took Introduction to Jazz and Calculus 1 at the same time. Professor Askarian was one of the best professors I have ever had, and it was one of the most rewarding moments in my life to learn about math while building a sense of camaraderie with my fellow classmates.

Fast forward to 2022: I will be transferring from Santa Monica College to Columbia University in the City of New York as a computer science major in the fall semester. My journey at SMC was fulfilling and enriching despite the pandemic. I am extremely grateful to those who have helped me along the transfer journey!

SMC opened my perspective about a lot of things, especially the culture in America, and provided me with the opportunity to succeed academically.

SMC provided me with the courage and cushion to fail, and to eventually attempt the things I am passionate about.