
Aayush Tripathi


Aayush TripathiBusiness Administration - Transfer to University of Southern California (USC)

At first, the idea of having to attend a community college was not exactly appealing to me, but when I found out I still had a chance to get into my dream school, things changed. The choice to enroll in SMC was an easy one. It gave me all the experiences I wanted as a college student. I am grateful to SMC for all the opportunities it has given me over the past year.

SMC taught me that you don’t have to be in the top universities to get an excellent education. It gave me the path and the right options to become a strong candidate for my dream university.

SMC encouraged me to do more in and out of the classroom. I was part of a business club and an honor society, which helped me meet new people, network, and grow as a person.

SMC gave me precisely what I wanted to get into my dream school. I got the right classes and immense support from my professors, and apart from academics, the campus is so calm and peaceful that it empowered me to do and achieve more every day.

I would just like to say: Do not feel you are missing out; take part in all the activities around campus that interest you.