November 3, 2020
Important Election Day Reminders: SMC is Here for You

- Election Day is nearly over. Some states will report results tonight; others may take days.
- As we await the results of a historic election, Santa Monica College will continue to focus on the values that bind us together: equity, inclusion, and social justice.
- Take advantage of SMC’s support resources for YOU: a 24/7 emotional support hotline at 800-691-6003. Join fellow students, SMC instructors and counselors for support during this time. Check out election-related events, resources and more: SMC Election Resources Guide.
Dear SMC Student:
A historic Election Day is nearly over and polls all around the country have begun closing. In the hours and days ahead, results will be rolling in. Because of rules specific to certain states, and the work of counting mail-in ballots, it could be a while before we know the final outcome.
At Santa Monica College, we recognize how difficult this uncertainty might be, coming on top of the ongoing challenges and distress caused by COVID-19 and incidents of racial injustice. You are not alone. SMC is here to support you.
Some important reminders:
- The SMC community is a diverse community—and that diversity includes varying political views. I urge us all to treat others with respect, kindness, and empathy now and in the days ahead. Regardless of the election results, Santa Monica College is committed to upholding our values of equity, diversity, and social justice and we will continue the hard work of closing racial equity gaps. In the days ahead, some may rejoice, and others might experience uncertainty and anxiety. It is crucial—now more than ever—that we aspire to create, here at SMC, a model of the just and equitable nation that I believe is within our reach.
- Take advantage of the 24/7 emotional support hotline: 1-800-691-6003 for immediate support. Get together with your SMC peers, instructors, and counselors—there are many election-related events planned. Check out this Election Stress Toolkit to help you destress. The SMC Election Resources Guide has tons of resources and helpful information. Your personal well-being is very important. I encourage you to make that a top priority.
- In addition to taking precautions to keep safe from COVID-19, I urge you to stay informed,
especially if you plan to venture out into your community (it is a good idea to check
your local law enforcement agency’s Twitter account – up-to-date information is almost
always posted there):
- Sign up: Los Angeles County Emergency Alerts
- Sign up: City of Los Angeles Emergency Alerts
- Sign up: City of Santa Monica Emergency Alerts
- It is important to note that while the election outcomes are crucial to the future of this nation, there are many challenges that will likely continue to persist: that of immigration reform, racial and gender equality, and so much more. SMC stands committed to being a beacon of educational equity and access. Regardless of the 2020 election’s political outcomes, Santa Monica College is committed to creating and maintaining a level playing field for students of all backgrounds irrespective of ethnicity or immigration status, family structure, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, gender identity, or marital status.
Stay safe, stay calm and informed (but remember also to take breaks and step away from the constant news). Together we will get through the days ahead.
Kathryn E. Jeffery, Ph.D.