4:57 p.m., January 16, 2025
Gratitude and Guidance: Navigating Challenges from the Area Fires

Dear SMC community:
First and foremost, my deepest gratitude to each of you for your dedication, resilience, and flexibility during the recent fires that have devastated the Los Angeles region and upended so many lives within the Santa Monica College community and beyond. Your steadfast commitment to supporting SMC students and each other truly embodies the spirit of Santa Monica College. “SMC Cares” has proven to be more than a slogan—it is a way of being, of demonstrating that in times of great adversity, this community shows up for each other, and those who need our help. In the face of immense challenges brought on by these devastating wildfires, SMC faculty, classified professionals, and managers have risen to the occasion to ensure that instruction continues, vital services and business operations remain accessible to our community, and SMC students remain on track to fulfill their goals.
We understand the significant impact the wildfires have had on our SMC community, and steps have been taken to better comprehend and address those challenges. A survey was recently sent to students and employees to assess the wildfires’ effects, and we have also engaged in intentional outreach to those impacted. Tragically, some have lost their homes, and we are actively working to connect them with local resources and support services. If you or someone you know needs assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to your supervisor or a trusted campus contact. We are here for you.
I also understand there are concerns about the smell of smoke and the presence of ash. Please rest assured that the health, safety, and well-being of our SMC community remain our highest priority. SMC has protocols for supporting healthy air quality on campus during a wildfire scenario and those extra measures have been taken by our Maintenance and Operations team. We have been closely monitoring overall conditions throughout each day, and our campuses remain within a safe range for the Air Quality Index (AQI). Additionally, HVAC equipment at all campuses use MERV 13 Filters and have been running 24/7 to ensure that indoor environments remain safe. For any outdoor activities or travel, you may request surgical, KN95 and N95 masks at the Receiving Department, between 7 a.m.- 2:30 p.m. If you require an N95 mask, please complete the attached form and bring it with you to the Receiving Department when picking up your mask. Departments can also continue to order masks for the department through Adobe Sign.
We encourage anyone with concerns or needs for additional support to speak directly with their supervisor. Your health, safety, and well-being matter to us. Thank you for your continued dedication to SMC’s mission during this challenging time. Please take care of yourselves, stay safe, and, if you are able, assist with relief efforts in your area. We will get through the days ahead, together.
Kathryn E. Jeffery, Ph.D.