March 3, 2021
SMC Stands Against Anti-Asian/American Racism

Dear SMC Community:
Once again, it has become necessary for Santa Monica College to reaffirm our commitment, make our stance clear on racism and discrimination. It is unfortunate that racism in our society continues to persist—most recently, this has been seen in both physical attacks and harassment of Asian Americans and those who identify as being of Asian identity. The victims of these vicious, and sometimes fatal attacks, have included seniors/older adults.
Stop AAPI Hate, a coalition that has been documenting anti-Asian hate and discrimination amid the COVID-19 pandemic, reports that, between March 2020 and the end of last year, there were 2,808 reported incidents of violence and harassment directed at Asian Americans and Asians, almost all of which were racially motivated. These attacks continue in 2021. Santa Monica College condemns these inexcusable acts of racism and discrimination against those of Asian descent, and we reaffirm our commitment to creating an equitable, inclusive environment where hate has no room. We stand in solidarity with our Asian, Asian-American and Pacific Islander students and colleagues. You are an integral, valued part of Santa Monica College.
I encourage SMC students and colleagues to learn more about the Not on Our Campus: No Hate at SMC campaign which encompasses acts of racism against Asians and Asian-Americans. You can also read my March 6, 2020 memo following such incidents of anti-Asian discrimination and harassment in the wake of COVID-19; messages of support from other campus groups and allies are also at Messages of Support.
If you witness an incident of possible unlawful discrimination, or believe that you have been a target of such behavior, I encourage you to say something: report it here. Let us work together to build a world where racism and hate is a thing of the past.
Please take care of yourselves and stay safe,
Kathryn E. Jeffery, Ph.D.