Student Support

Tutoring Centers


Tutoring Banner

We are committed to assisting students develop the skills and confidence needed to succeed in their coursework and in their academic, professional, and personal pursuits.

Meeting With A Tutor

  • To schedule an appointment, click on the correct tutoring center in the navigation bar on the left side of this page and follow the instructions for the center you have chosen. Note that each center conducts tutoring sessions differently and has different hours, so make sure to follow scheduling directions for the specific subject and center you have chosen. 

  • Tutoring is offered free of charge for currently registered students and it is available for most courses.
  • Make sure you check this webpage frequently to verify that you have the most accurate and updated hours.
  • If you need assistance in a course that is not listed on our schedule, please speak with the Tutoring Coordinator in the related Tutoring Center.

  • Start meeting with a tutor early! Although students can meet with a tutor at any time in the semester, tutoring is most effective if you begin early. Don't wait until you develop significant problems.

Benefits of Tutoring

  • You will gain a better understanding of the material from tutors who have mastered the coursework;
  • You will be able to review key concepts from courses;
  • You will be able to ask the questions you did not ask in class;
  • You will be better prepared to participate in class;
  • You will learn new methods for note taking and textbook reading;
  • You will be able to formulate questions to take back to professors about course material;
  • You will learn new study strategies.

Tutoring Center Campus Locations

Tutoring Centers Location

Business, CSIS, & IxD Tutoring Center

Library 224 & Online

ESL Tutoring 

Drescher Hall (DH) 315 & Online

Math Lab

Math Complex (MC) 72, 84 & Online

Modern Languages Tutoring Center

Drescher Hall (DH) 219 & Online

Music Tutoring


Science Tutoring Center

SCI 245 & Online

STEM Tutoring 

Drescher Hall (DH) 302 & Online

Writing & Humanities Tutoring Center

Drescher Hall (DH) 312 & Online

Please check out each tutoring center by visiting the sidebar menu to learn more details.