Stay Connected

Student Communications

Stay Connected with Updates and Information from SMC

Not Receiving Communications?

Do these things!

Step 1: Search for an SMC Email in Your Inbox

  • In your email, search for ANY emails from SMC using:
    • If you do not find any emails, search your spam
    • Try checking other email accounts
    • If you find an email, make sure you did not unsubscribe yourself
      • Scroll to the bottom of the email
      • Click on “Remove me from future messages”
      • Make sure ALL the boxes are clicked red (except the "I want to unsubscribe" button) and click on “Update My Subscription Preferences”

Step 2: Complete the Email Opt-In Form

  • Fill the SMC Email Opt-In Form
  • Then click the "Submit" button 
  • This form does not update Corsair Connect, please ALSO complete the steps in Option 3 below
  • If you have more questions send an email to:

Step 3: Make Sure Your Contact Information is Updated in Corsair Connect

Log in to Corsair Connect

  1. Click the Enrollment tab
  2. Click on Profile/Preferences
  3. Check your personal email, home address, phone number and mark “Yes” for text messages
  4. Click “Submit Changes” in the bottom left

Step 4: Download the SMC Go app

  • Get it FREE at
    • Make sure you allow push notifications
    • After downloading the app, go to My Messages and “Opt-in” to any and all channels of interest for updates.

Other Things You Can Do!

  • Add to your email safe list of domains
  • Check your spam, and mark any messages from SMC and as safe
  • DO NOT unsubscribe from SMC emails (see step 1 above). This will remove you from most of the current and future messages from the college, and you will not receive important notices, such as those related to COVID-19.