October 30, 2020
SMC Election Resources Guide 2020

October 30, 2020
Dear SMC Student:
We are halfway through Fall 2020, our second consecutive regular semester in the online environment. I know this has been a difficult year—and yet you have persisted in pursuing your educational goals. I am in awe of your resilience. Remember you are not alone. Santa Monica College is here for you.
This nation continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic and another kind of pandemic—that of systemic racism and injustice, which continues to also take lives (most recently that of Jonathan Price in Texas). We grieve this senseless, tragic loss of life and stand against racism, hate, and discrimination. Now, Election Day is just around the corner. This is an opportunity to build a more equitable world, but it also comes with a lot of stress, anxiety, and uncertainty.
Related to the elections, here are some important reminders:
- Santa Monica College is a safe, inclusive, and dynamic learning community, one that upholds the values of equity, inclusion, and social justice. We believe our strength lies in our diversity, and that our shared experiences and institutional values of intellectual inquiry, academic integrity, and ethical behavior serve as a model for a better world. I urge all of us to treat our peers with kindness and empathy, throughout election season and beyond.
- Feeling stressed about the elections? We will all get through this together! The SMC Student Equity Center has created a one-stop Election Resources Guide for you:
- An Election Stress Toolkit created for the SMC community—students and employees—by the Center for Wellness & Wellbeing. Students, call the 24/7 emotional support hotline 800-691-6003 for immediate support. You can also make an appointment with a wellness counselor by emailing cww@smc.edu or calling 310-434-4503.
- Nearly 30 events, beginning today, Friday, Oct. 30. Click on the bolded event name for a Zoom link. Sessions include Voting 101 (today!); an Election Day session focusing on stress management; a post-election gathering space for Black Collegians and Adelante students, forums for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) students, LGBTQ+ students, Dreamers, and more!
- Resources on bipartisan info, immigration and DACA, climate change, and more.
- If you are a registered voter, please vote. More information on the voting process, finding a vote center, and more available right here. And if you cannot vote, there are still ways for you to participate (most importantly, encouraging those who can vote to do so). See “Non-Voter Resources” on the SMC Civic Engagement webpage.
- Important Voting Reminder. If you plan on voting in person, you can find the vote center closest to you here. Please note that LA County is also using Santa Monica College’s Corsair Gym (the Pavilion) as a vote center. The vote center is open now 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. through Nov. 2, and 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Election Day, Nov. 3.
**If you need time away from a class to vote on Election Day, be sure to check in with your instructor ahead of Nov.3. SMC instructors are keenly aware of the importance of voting. More voter resources here.**
Thank you for being a part of the Santa Monica College community. I am confident that together we will find a way through the days ahead, towards a brighter future.
Kathryn E. Jeffery, Ph.D.