Malibu Campus Winter 2025 Classes
Below are the classes being offered for Winter 2025. Winter classes begin the week of January 6, 2025.
FASHN 18, Computer Aided Fashion Design and Merchandising • 2 units
- Transfer: CSU
- Advisory: FASHN 1
Computer-assisted applications are used as tools to design and create original and innovative work for fashion marketing or fashion design. This is an introductory course requiring basic computer skills.
Students will need access to a computer and the Adobe Creative Suite software.
Course Number: 1520 Time: 8:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. MTWTHLocation: MALBU 203Instructor: Armstrong, R W
No offerings during the Winter 2025 session.
The Emeritus Program is a noncredit, free, lifelong learning program offering classes designed for older adults. Registration and enrollment for Winter 2025 Emeritus courses begins TBD.
Download: The Emeritus enrollment form and email it to You may also drop it off to the mail slot in our office at 1227 2nd Street, Santa Monica, CA. 90401.
ART E16, Life Drawing Studio
This course provides an opportunity for older adults to learn to see the human form and draw the anatomy of the human figure. This supportive class explores basic anatomy, movement, and skeletal structure of the figure using live models. Through demonstrations, class exercises, individual instruction, and guidance, beginning students learn basic life drawing skills, while more advanced students sharpen their skills in capturing the physical attributes of the model and expressiveness of the pose.
Course Number: 9503 Time: 9:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. WLocation: MALBU 220Instructor: Harrison A B
ART E20, Drawing and Painting
This course provides older adults with a supportive environment for instruction in drawing and painting. Older adults, from beginners to more advanced students, maintain or improve their drawing and/or painting skills in a constructive environment, and learn about space, line, value, and color in a workshop atmosphere.
Course Number: 9508 Time: 1 p.m. - 3:50 p.m. FLocation: MALBU 220Instructor: Tirr C A
ENGL E30, Creative Writing
This course nurtures, revitalizes, and stimulates older adult writers who may already be producing or thinking about producing written material. The course is intended to discover, encourage, and develop untapped writing talent in older adults. It also allows older adults to develop and refine their writing and self expression skills, discuss their writing with peers, and comment on their peers’ writing in a respectful and constructive manner. The course is also a forum for older adults to share their creative voices with peers.
Course Number: 9603 Time: 9:30 a.m. - 11:20 a.m. T Location: MALBU 112Instructor: Davis C V
ENGL E33, Autobiography
This course helps older adults review and integrate the experiences that have shaped their lives, share memories with peers, and create a record of events for themselves and their families. Through this class older adults achieve a sense of pride in their accomplishments, improve their writing abilities, and express themselves in writing that can be shared with family, friends, and the public if desired.
Course Number: 9525 Time: 2 p.m. - 3:50 p.m. F Location: MALBU 219Instructor: Fox Jr R W
POL SC E00, Current Events
This course increases older adults' understanding of local, national, and international current affairs and how it affects their lives as well as the world around them. Older adults consider the political, economic, and social movements that determine domestic and foreign policies in the United States and around the world.
Course Number: 9583 Time: 9:30 a.m. - 11:20 a.m. MLocation: MALBU 119Instructor: Sarkissian R
Community Education is a not-for-credit, fee-based program focused on promoting personal enrichment and professional development. For more information and to enroll in a Community Education class, please go to in new window)(opens in new window)
Wildlife Coexistence
Meet your wild neighbors! Residents in Southern California live alongside a wide variety
of wild animals, even in the most urban areas. Learn about your most encountered wildlife,
why they enter human-developed areas, and how to live alongside them. This presentation,
given by the California Wildlife Center, covers basic principles of inclusion and
exclusion of wildlife in the context of LA’s urban-wild interface.
The California Wildlife Center takes responsibility for the protection of native wildlife
through rehabilitation, education, and conservation. It is dedicated to the rescue
and rehabilitation of native California species.
Course Number: Fri Time: 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Location: MALBU 202Instructor: Wells, CAbove class meets on Friday January 24.