Admissions & Aid

Student Employment Manual for Supervisors


Purpose of This Manual

This manual has been written to explain the procedures, policies and rules regarding training, supervising and hiring and paying student employees at Santa Monica College.

Purpose of Student Employment

Student Employment is meant to give students an opportunity to earn some money for their college expenses, to give inexperienced students a chance to learn the basics of the workplace and to provide students an opportunity to work in a “field” that may be of interest to them. As supervisors, we need to teach our students as much as we can about being a contributing member of society; this includes teaching workplace skills. If you teach your student employee good work skills, you and the student will both benefit, and so will the college.

Office Contact

  • Phone: 310-434-4343
  • Fax: 310-434-3650
  • Email:
  • Location: SSC 1st Floor (Campus closed, operating remotely

Office Hours

  • Monday: 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  • Tuesday: 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
  • Wednesday: 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
  • Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  • Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Three Categories of Student Employees

Hiring a Student Employee

You will need to create an account on SMC’s job board website (GradLeaders). Please go to the Employer Information webpage for instructions on how to create an account and post a job opportunity.

If a student is interested in the job you posted, the student will respond to the instructions you have provided on your job opportunity posting. The student will then notify you that they are interested in working for your department. Once you have decided to hire a student, be sure to notify them that all documents and requirements must be completed and turned-in at the same time

Once a student is authorized, supervisors will receive an e-mail from the Student Services Employment Specialist from the Financial Aid Office – of “Employment Confirmation” for each student you plan to employ. Please note that it is illegal to allow a student to work until you have received the Employment Confirmation e-mail from Student Employment.

Only faculty and managers with account authority can hire student workers. This would include department chairs, faculty leaders, faculty coordinators, and both classified and certificated managers. Other employees can then be assigned as a “proxy” for reporting students work hours through the myTime Online Reporting system.

Hiring Requirements

As a student employee at Santa Monica College, all students must have been issued a Social Security Number.

All students must submit a number of employment documents. In addition, students are required to have a fingerprint scan taken and can do that free of charge through the SMC Campus Police department. Campus Police is open daily from 10 a.m.–11 a.m. and 2 p.m.-3 p.m.

TB (tuberculosis) testing is required for those students who will be working with food, with children or with learning disabled students. That test can be acquired through the SMC Health Office for a $5 charge. Health Office is open for testing on Mondays and Tuesdays ONLY from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Note: Students must return within the time directed to read the test results. If the test needs to be repeated – the student will be charged $25.

Requirements for New Students

  • SMC Student Employment Application and Contract

  • Confidentiality Memo of Understanding form

  • Confidentiality Agreement

  • W-4 Federal Withholding form

  • DE-4 State Withholding form

  • I-9 form and Verification Identification documents

  • I-9 Employment Verification Identification form

  • Emergency Contact/Warrant Designation form

  • Disclosure of Conviction Record form

  • FERPA Training Completion email

  • Mandated Reporter Status form

  • Student Leave form

  • Live Scan Fingerprint forms

  • TB Test (if applicable)

Requirements for Continuing Students

These documents must be provided annually

  • SMC Student Employment Application and Contract
  • FERPA Training Completion email
  • Mandated Reporter Status form
  • Student Leave form

Fingerprint and TB test forms can be obtained in the Financial Aid Office.

All employment documents can be found on the Student Employment website. Forms can be downloaded individually or in one download. Forms are type-able and students can save their work as they go and save the completed forms, but all signatures on the forms must be handwritten.

Requirements for International (F-1 Visa) Students

International (F-1 VISA) students are permitted to work on-campus only as Student Help if they have a Social Security Card and are currently enrolled in 12 units or more for the fall and spring semesters.

In order to get a Social Security card, an F-1 VISA student must prove to the Social Security Administration that the student has a job offer. International Students Center will give those students who want to work as a student employee at SMC, a form letter by which to request a SS card.

This application process takes approximately 5-7 days if the student goes to the Social Security Office the day after the student is given the signed letter. After the student provides his SS card, the student’s employment documents will then be processed. Remember, a student may NOT start work until ALL employment paperwork has been processed and the supervisor, have received the Employment Confirmation e-mail.

NOTE: The Immigration and Naturalization Service defines an F-1 VISA Classification as "an alien who is admitted to the United States temporarily for the sole purpose of pursuing a full course of study at a school approved by the Attorney General for attendance by nonimmigrant students."

Maximum Work Hours

Student employees may work a maximum of 7 hours per day. A student may be employed in more than one department, but may not exceed the maximum number of work hours either per day or per week (see below). Supervisors should ask their student workers if they have any other jobs on campus and how many hours they are working at the other job in order to avoid the student working more than the prescribed amount of hours.

Federal Work Study Students

Students may work a maximum of 10 hours per week. Students can work during the winter if they are enrolled in 3 units, unless enrolled in 6 units for fall and 6 units for spring semesters. However, on a case-by-case basis, FWS students may submit a written request to the Financial Aid Office to be able to work a maximum of 20 hours per week. This request will usually be approved, if the student has enough FWS funds in his financial aid award package and the student is not on Financial Aid Probation or the college’s “academic probation" or "lack of progress probation.” There is no FWS during the summer semester. FWS students would have to be hired under Student Help

Student Help Students

Students may work a maximum of 20 hours per week and 30 hours for winter & summer semesters. Students must be enrolled in 12 units or more at SMC for the fall and spring semesters to be able to work during summer or winter. A student can work in the winter or summer if not enrolled in 12 units, as long as they are enrolled in 3 units during those semesters.

Daily Work Hours

Hours of Work Per Day Rest & Lunch Breaks
Less than 3.5 hours

No 10 minute paid rest break needs to be scheduled.

No lunch break needs to be scheduled.

3.5 hours to 5 hours

A 10 minute paid break must be scheduled in the middle of the shift. It should be scheduled approximately 1.75-2.5 hours after the start of the work shift.

No lunch break needs to be scheduled.

5.1 hours to 6 hours

A 10 minute paid break must be scheduled in the middle of the shift, around 2.5-3 hours after the start of the shift. The 10 minute paid break cannot be waived.

An unpaid 30 minute lunch break should be scheduled in the middle of the shift. However, if both the student employee and supervisor agree in writing to waive the lunch break, it can be waived.

6.1 hours to 7 hours

A 10 minute paid break must be scheduled about 1.5-1.75 hours after the start of the shift; and unpaid 30 minute lunch break must be scheduled around 3-3.5 hours after the start of the shift; and another 10 minute paid break must be scheduled around 4.5 to 5.25 hours after the start of the shift.

The 10 minute paid break and 30 minute unpaid lunch break cannot be waived.

Responsibilities as a Supervisor of Student Employees

The supervisor is responsible for assuring that the student follows all rules, works the correct prescribed number of hours and is paid for those hours.


All student employees earn the same hourly wage currently at $17.27 per hour.

Student employees are paid on the 10th and 25th of each month for the previous pay period. If these dates should fall on a Saturday or Sunday, the paychecks will be mailed on the Friday before the 10th or 25th. Student employee paychecks are mailed directly to their homes. Students cannot pick up their paychecks, as District policy requires that the checks be mailed. Be sure to tell the student their first paycheck is usually received approximately one month after the student’s first day of work.

Students must inform the Financial Aid Office when they change their address or name.
The U.S. Post Office will not forward SMC paychecks to a new address. Change of Address Form

Monitoring Student Employees Total Work Hours

It is the responsibility of the supervisor to monitor the “Cumulative Used Amount” from the original awarded allocations, while inputting student Time and Leave absences in the new myTime Online Reporting System. The supervisor is responsible for telling a student worker to stop working when their allocations have been depleted.

Important Note: If a Federal Work-Study (FWS) student worker earns more money than the allocated amount, the department will be billed for the amount of the overage.

For Federal Work-Study Student Employees:

Supervisors and FWS student workers should discuss the possibility of increasing the student's FWS award at least 3-4 weeks before the student's work hours will become completely depleted. The student or supervisor must contact the Financial Aid Office to request an increase in FWS funds. This request will be approved only if the student has remaining eligibility for FWS funding and the college's FWS funds have not been completely depleted.

  • If the request is approved, the Financial Aid Office will issue a new allocation which will show-up in the student’s Financial Aid Portal, as well as the myTime Online Reporting System.

  • If the request is not approved, it is the student's responsibility to inform the supervisor that the Financial Aid Office did not approve the request.

However, it is the supervisor's responsibility to ensure that the student stops working when the FWS hours have been totally depleted.

Note: The student can be re-hired by the department as a Student Help employee if the student is carrying at least 12 units and the department has a Student Help budget with available funds. In this case, a new Student Employment Application and Contract must be completed and submitted by the department noting the account change to Student Help.

For Student Help Employees

When a Student Help employee's Cumulative Used Amount shows that the hours remaining are low, the supervisor can request additional hours, but only if the department has remaining Student Help funds to spend. Supervisor needs to contact the Student Employment Specialist in the Financial Aid Office with student’s name, ID and the number of hours requesting to add.

Recording and Reporting Work Hours

Student workers must sign-in when they start work and sign-out when they leave work, including for days working a split shift schedule on their individual Daily Hours Worked Report. At the end of the pay period, collect the reports, check to make sure they are filled-out completely and correctly, including the student’s signature. Input those hours from the students’ Daily Hours Worked Report into the myTime Online Reporting System. Work hours can be divided into no less than 1/4 hour segments as this is the smallest amount the myTime Online Reporting System will accept.

On July 1, 2015 the myTime Online Reporting System replaced the process for reporting time and leave for student employees. For additional assistance there are written instructions available on the Payroll website.

  1. Before the first day of a new pay period, print a Daily Hours Worked Report for each of the student employees that you supervise. A blank Daily Hours Worked Report is available on the Payroll Website: Faculty and Staff Payroll Forms

  2. Complete the top section of the form, including the Student Name and Department. Under Job Title you can indicate whether student is paid under Student Help or FWS. Indicate Employee Type: Student and the Report Type (either original or adjusted). Also circle the month that is being reported and indicate whether the report is for the 1– 15 or the 16 – end of the month (EOM).

    You may find it useful to download a blank form and create a template for each student that you can save and re-use each pay period. There are some fields on the form that you can complete and save so that you don’t need to fill these out again each pay period.

    For example, in the top left corner of the form is a section for the student name, department and ID. You may want to type this information in the form and save a copy for each student where you can easily access it.

    When the new pay period starts, you can simply print each student employee’s form and have it available for them prior to their first shift. You can mark the appropriate box in that section and save it on your template as well.

  3. Keep the Daily Hours Worked Reports in an area that is accessible and convenient for both you and the students you supervise during the pay period.

    Your students will need to access their form at least twice each working day to log their time in and time out, and you as the supervisor also need the report available to verify the hours worked each day.

  4. Each day the student works they will locate their Daily Hours Worked Report and note the actual time they are starting their shift in the column that corresponds to the current day of the month.

    For example, a student arrives for work at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, October 8th. The student would locate the column on the report labeled “8” and enter 8 a.m in the “Time In” box in the column representing the 8th day of the current month.

  5. At the end of the work period, the student employee returns to their Daily Hours Worked Report and will

    1. Enter the “Time Out” in the appropriate column and box.

    2. Indicate the number of minutes they took for a lunch break (0, 30, or 60).

    For example, the same student took a 30 minute lunch and ends the work day at 3:30 p.m. The student would go back to their Daily Hours Worked Report and enter 3:30 p.m. in the “Time Out” box in the column representing the 8th day of the month.

    The student would also indicate that a 30 minute lunch was taken in the box labeled “Lunch” for the 8th day of the month. There is no requirement or place on this report to record the time the student left for lunch and when they returned. That data is not collected on this form, only the length of the lunch period taken.

    In summary, each work day the student will be entering information in one column of the report. The box to record Time In, Time Out and Lunch are all in the same column for each work day.

  6. A student working a split shift to accommodate their course schedule will use the boxes labeled Time In (split shift) and Time Out (split shift) to report their second or third in and out times.

    This situation will not apply to everyone, if it does not apply, just leave the boxes blank.

  7. Periodically, the supervisor will review the Daily Hours Worked Reports to calculate and report the number of regular and overtime hours worked each day.

  8. Any paid sick leave used during the period will also be reported on the Daily Hours Worked Report by the supervisor entering the number of hours used in the Sick Leave box that corresponds to the date that the leave was used.

    In addition to reporting paid sick leave hours used in the appropriate box on the report, an approved Report of Absence form needs to be attached to the Daily Hours Worked Report and submitted to the Payroll Department per the appropriate payroll schedules.

  9. When the pay period is complete, the student will sign and date the Daily Hours Worked Report.

  10. At the end of the pay period after the student has signed off on the report, the supervisor will enter the total paid hours of each type (regular, overtime and sick leave) recorded on the Daily Hours Worked Report in the myTime electronic time and leave reporting system.

    1. Refer to the myTime user manual for information on how to use the myTime system.

    2. Note: You can access myTime off site through any internet connection.

  11. After the time and leave is entered and approved by the supervisor or proxy in myTime, send the original Daily Hours Worked Report to the Payroll Department for verification and storage.

Adjusted Report

Adjusted Daily Hours Worked Reports will be used to correct errors or omissions in the original processing of a pay period. The Daily Hours Worked Report will be required to report the correction and the student must sign that report. These adjustments will require special handling by the Supervisor and the Payroll Department so it is very important that you make every effort to submit a complete and accurate accounting of time and leave in the myTime system at the time the data is submitted for the original payroll.

If an adjustment to the original payroll is required, fill in the employee information, indicate the employee type and indicate in the Daily Hours Worked Report Type section that this is an “adjusted” report. 

  • Circle the month the adjusted report is for, and indicate 1st-15th or 16th-EOM.
  • Only enter the information that changed from the original report submitted.
  • Have the employee sign and date the adjusted report.

Contact the Payroll Manager immediately (x4327) to determine what process to follow for the adjustment. Depending on the timing of the discovery, one of the following will occur:

  • The Payroll Manager may be able to reopen the time period in myTime allowing the supervisor to make the correction in the system.

  • The Supervisor will enter the correction in myTime as an adjusted payroll.

  • A manual adjustment may be required.

Once the adjustment method has been determined by the Payroll Manager and data has been submitted in myTime by the supervisor, forward the adjusted Daily Hours Worked Report to the Payroll Department for reconciliation and storage.

General Student Employment Information

As with any new employee, a new student employee must be trained. Most students have little, if any, work experience. For many students, this employment opportunity may be the student's first job. For other student employees - the supervisor will be the first person to teach them basic job skills. These skills are equally important to what a student learns in class because the student will need these skills throughout their working life.

Remember: As a supervisor, your job is to hire the appropriate people for the job tasks required, teach them how to do their job, and provide them with the tools and environment they need in order to be successful.

Explaining Job and Responsibilities

Train your student employees giving clear, basic instructions:

  • Take the time to give your new student employee(s) an overview of the position and the information necessary to do the job. Be sure to also give your employee a general overview of your department/operation so that the student can understand how the student's job fits into the "big picture." Most people are more attentive to their tasks when they have an understanding of the whole picture.

  • Explain the details of each specific task and responsibility that will be a part of the job.

  • Tell the student who will be responsible for training, supervising and giving the student directions. Also be specific as to who the student should ask questions regarding their job.

  • Introduce the student employee to fellow co-employees and staff members.

  • Do not forget to show the student where the water fountain and restrooms are located. Also, inform them of where the cafeteria is located, the health center and campus police.

Give Clear, Specific Directions for Each Assignment

  • Look directly at the student employee to be sure you have the student's complete attention. Encourage the student to ask questions and take notes. Be VERY explicit in your explanation of all assignments.

  • There may be difficulties because of language or cultural differences. Do not assume that when you say something clearly that you have been understood. If your student employee replies “yes” to your question, “Do you understand?” the student may just be being “pleasant and agreeable.” It is better to ask the employee to repeat to you what you have just explained to be sure that you have been completely understood. Do not ask your student employee to get coffee or food or to run personal errands… remember student employees are to be doing real work and helping you with department/office tasks.

  • Give your student employees reasonable goals and a timetable for each assignment.

  • You may need to explain certain duties more than once… keep in mind that a student employee may not remember everything when they are given a lot of new information all at once. In some cases, you may need to be extremely clear about how to do a task because many students have never worked before and might be unfamiliar with what you may consider to be "common knowledge."

Additional Training and Information

  • Student employees should be informed that a normal part of their job might sometimes be to receive direction from other employees that work within the department. This provides an opportunity for staff to correct mistakes as they occur and should help ensure that student employees do their work accurately and provide correct information.

  • Tell your student employee that when an assignment is completed, it should be returned to the person who assigned it to that student employee.

  • Tell the student that each day, the students’ work area should be cleaned up and any “tools” should be returned to the proper place before the student leaves for the day. If an assignment is not completed before the student leaves, the student should put a note on the work explaining what has been finished and what is left to do.

  • Training should include an explanation that a student employee’s job assignment is based on current departmental needs and budget and is subject to change without notice. Be sure not to make a verbal or written agreement/contract with a student worker regarding a term of employment or other job-related issues.

  • Supervisors may want to mention something about appropriate dress. Although we cannot expect student employees to wear "formal business clothes" (suits, etc.), keep in mind that it is still important to tell them that certain ways of dressing are inappropriate for work. For example: lots of bare skin; no shoes; dirty or messy clothes, hair or body; and body odor are all unacceptable at workplace.

  • Supervisors should post a schedule of assigned work hours for all student workers. A posted schedule helps the student to learn the importance of being on time and adhering to workplace policies.

  • Be sure to discuss with your student employee what constitutes quality customer service. Everyone to whom the student addresses while at work should be considered a customer. Customers should be provided with the appropriate assistance and treated kindly and courteously both in person and on the telephone.

Staff Meetings and Teamwork

  • Try to include your student workers at appropriate staff meetings or simply establish meetings with only your student employees. Staff meetings are useful to discuss expectations and concerns under non-threatening circumstances. A staff meeting is an opportunity to present "theoretical problems" and solutions in order to correct or prevent issues from arising within the office/department.

  • Staff meetings are an effective way of communicating important information to your employees. You can explain something one time for everyone; that way, all staff members have received the same information in the same way. This usually helps to minimize both confusion and disagreement among the "team."

  • A staff meeting is also a good way to address problems in the office as well as to explain any new procedures. As a supervisor, you can explain and clarify the correct way something should be done to everyone rather than pointing a finger at one person who may have made a mistake.

  • Make it clear to your student employees that they are a part of the team and must do their best to assist the office.

    Remember, if you must speak to an individual about a mistake, do so in private. Be brief, clear and kind. Humiliation and embarrassment are ineffective as learning tools. Keep in mind that if there is too much tension created, the employee will not feel free to ask for clarification and you will probably end up with an employee who performs poorly.

Supervising a Student Worker

A supervisor must be an effective communicator and good communication is not a one-way street. You must be able to send clear messages and listen carefully as well. If your student employee does not understand what you have told him, it will be impossible for the student to do what you need done. Providing supervision is a continuation of on-going training, support and feedback from supervisor to employee. Patience, kindness and clarity will net you a dedicated student employee.

  • Set a good example
  • Be flexible
  • Communicate expectations
  • Be fair
  • Train
  • Be a team player
  • Give recognition
  • Be an educator
  • Give feedback frequently

It is important to tell your student employees regularly how much you appreciate them and the work they do. Feedback is most effective when given regularly and often. As you notice something to comment about, you should immediately give a complement or offer some helpful instruction to correct a mistake or situation. Be sure to provide corrective feedback with patience and positive suggestions.

Suggested Interview Questions

All students who apply for your position should be given an opportunity to be interviewed before you make a selection. One way to handle the interviewing process is to interview each applicant and inform him or her that you will make a decision about who to hire after you have finished interviewing all of the applicants.

A list of suggested sample questions is listed below. Pick several that would be most appropriate for the position you are hiring for.

  1. What are your qualifications for this job?

  2. Why do you think you might like to work in this department?

  3. What is your long-term educational goal? Career goal?

  4. What jobs have you held?

  5. Why did you leave your last job?

  6. What was your favorite job? Why?

  7. How well do you work under pressure/in a busy environment?

  8. How many hours per week can you work?

  9. What is your major weakness? Major strength?

  10. Do you find that you often have disagreements with co-workers?

  11. Do you prefer to work alone or with a group?

  12. Do you have any questions for me?

Closing a Job Request

Please e-mail the Student Employment Specialist in the Career Services Center to request that your Job Request posting be removed from the Job Opportunities website.

Terminating a Student Worker

The Financial Aid Office-Student Services Employment Specialist is responsible for terminating a student employee's job in the campus system. Once this action has been performed the supervisor, will have one more pay period in the myTime system, in order to pay the student for any hours owed. After this last paycheck, the student’s payroll file will become inactive.

Most Reasons Why and Who May Terminate a Student

  1. The STUDENT drops below the required number of units – STUDENT EMPLOYMENT – procedure:
    The Financial Aid Office, Student Services Employment Specialist will send the supervisor an email Student Employment Termination Authorization, which will indicate the name of the student employee who was terminated and the reason for termination. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to inform the student of this termination and tell him/her to stop working immediately.

    If the student is later reinstated into a class and the units are restored, the student can notify their former supervisor to see if the job is still open. If so - the student would have to complete a new Application and Contract with the supervisor's authorization and return it to the Financial Aid Office.

  2. A SUPERVISOR may initiate the termination of a student employee – procedure:
    The supervisor should inform the student worker immediately that their "job assignment is completed.” Supervisor will then need to send an e-mail to the Financial Aid Office, Student Services Employment Specialist with the student's name, SMC ID# and the last day of work.

    Note: If you wish to terminate one of your student employees due to poor work performance, it is best to handle the situation as briefly and simply, as possible. You can tell the student that the “job assignment is finished,” or “ we will not be needing you to work after this Friday,” or “thank you for working with us, but as of this Friday, the department will no longer be needing your help” and provide some constructive feedback.

  3. ASTUDENT may initiate termination of his/her position – procedure:
    The student will advise their supervisor that he/she will no longer be working there and the supervisor will send an email… follow the steps in #2 above.

  4. The Financial Aid Office may terminate a student for reasons related to financial aid policies - procedure: Follow step #1 above.

    IMPORTANT: All students are automatically "terminated" at the end of the fiscal year, June 30. All student employees must complete a new Application and Contract, FERPA training, the Mandated Reporter Status and Student Leave forms for the new fiscal year or they will not be authorized to work. Additionally, all Federal Work-Study student employees must be eligible with a current federal aid award.

Insurance for Student Employees

Student workers are covered under the college’s liability insurance. In the event of an injury, the procedures to be followed by student employees are the same as for any SMC employee. An injured employee should go immediately to the Health Office. The student will be provided first aid, forms to fill out, and if necessary, a physician referral. Student employees, as part-time, temporary employees, are not covered by unemployment insurance.

Jury Duty and Student Employment

SMC does not pay any temporary part-time employees for Jury Duty.

Regulations and Policies For Student Employment

  1. Both Federal and State laws and Santa Monica College policies prohibit discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, status as a Vietnam-era veteran, sexual orientation, or marital status. In order to provide equal opportunity, all jobs must be posted on the Student Employment website.

  2. Student employees must be under the direct supervision of a district employee.

  3. Student employees may not work under a title included in the classified service nor may they be assigned the duties or responsibilities of a classified employee.

  4. A student may work at an off-campus location as a Federal Work-Study employee for a non-profit organization that has a contract with SMC.

  5. A Student Help employee enrolled in an 8-week course during the fall or spring semesters may count those units as part of the 12 units required to work, providing the class appears on the student's schedule in the computer system.

  6. A student may not work as a student employee and a classified employee at the same time. Nor can the student switch to student employment after having worked as a classified employee during the same fiscal year. If a student employee accepts and begins a classified position, the student worker's employment must be terminate immediately.

Reference Rules for Student Conduct

SMC Administrative Regulation 4410 / State Of California Education Code

The following are rules for minimum student conduct. Students enrolling in the college assume an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the college’s function as an educational institution. Misconduct or “good cause” for which students are subject to discipline falls into the following categories:

  1. Continued disruptive behavior, continued willful disobedience, habitual profanity or vulgarity, or the open and persistent defiance of the authority of, or persistent abuse of, college personnel. [E.C. 76033(a)]

  2. Assault, battery or any threat of force or violence upon a student, college personnel. [E.C. 76033 (b)]

  3. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, including, but not limited to, rape, forced sodomy, forced oral copulation, rape by a foreign object, sexual battery, or threat of sexual assault.

  4. Willful misconduct which results in injury or death to a student, college personnel or college visitor or which results in cutting, defacing, or other injury to any real or personal property owned by District. [E.C. 76033 (c)]

  5. The use, sale, or possession on campus of, or presence on campus or at any college sponsored event, under the influence of, any controlled substances without prescribed direction of a licensed medical authority or any poison classified as such by Schedule D in Section 4160 of the State of California Business and Professions Code. [E.C. 76033 (d)]

  6. Willful or persistent smoking in any area where smoking has been prohibited by law or by regulation of the Board of Trustees. [E.C. 76033 (e)]

  7. Persistent, serious misconduct where other means of correction have failed to bring about proper conduct. [E.C. 76033 (f)]

  8. Dishonesty, including, but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the college.

  9. Forgery, alteration, or misuses of college documents, records, or identification.

  10. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures, or other college activities, including, but not limited to, community service functions, or other authorized activities.

  11. Theft of or damage to property of the college or of a member of the college community or campus visitor.

  12. Willful or blatant misuse of email or other inappropriate forms of communication towards faculty, staff or students including but not limited to phone, voicemail, written notes and any form of electronic communication.

  13. Unauthorized entry to or use of college supplies, equipment including computer hardware, and licensed software, and/or facilities.

  14. Violation of college policies or of campus regulations, including, but not limited to, campus regulations concerning student organizations, the use of college facilities, responsible computer use policy, or the time, place, and manner of public expression, library procedures, college bills and debts, or residence.

  15. Disorderly conduct or lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct or expression on college-owned or controlled property or at college sponsored or supervised functions.

  16. Failure to comply with directions of college officials acting in the performance of their duties.

  17. Possession or use of alcoholic beverages on the campus property, at any college-sponsored event, or presence on campus or at any college-sponsored event while under the influence of alcohol.

  18. Illegal possession or use of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals or other weapons on college property or at college-sponsored activities.

  19. Stalking: The act or crime of willfully and repeatedly following or harassing another person in circumstances that would cause a reasonable person to fear injury or death especially because of expressed or implied threats.

  20. Hate crimes or hate incidents: A hate crime or hate incident is any act or attempted act directed against a person(s) based on the victim’s actual or perceived race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, disability or gender. The difference between a hate incident and a hate crime is that a hate incident is a non-criminal act.

  21. Any other offense set forth in the State of California Education Code that constitutes “good cause.”

No student shall be removed, suspended, or expelled unless the conduct for which the student is disciplined is related to college activity or attendance. [E.C. 76034]