Dancing Through Cancer
"I know that my recovery was because of taking classes at SMC. The fashion and ballet classes, they fed my soul. Being around all the younger students with energy helps me. It’s been a whirlwind, and I’m so grateful.”

Alec to the Rescue
When Turkish Santa Monica College student Yanki Evliyaoglu slid into debilitating anxiety-depression, it was her Brazilian roommate Alec Bodolay who jumped into the breach.

Art Therapy, New Life
Stella Singleton-Jones joined a select company of artists including Paul Cezanne, Claude Monet and Frederic Remington when the White House added her sculpture “Unity” to its permanent collection..

Finding Her Voice
When Summer Le turned 18, she and her parents knew it was time to leave her homeland of Vietnam to pursue the education she deserved and the future she wanted.

Making a Community Visible
Palm trees. Jazz. Lowriders. If you’re wondering what these three have in common, you’ll have to stop by Metro’s new Hyde Park station...