
Travel Study Tours


Date of next trip:

January 28-Feb 3, 2024

Application Deadline:

Early Bird Application Deadline: ($50) June 5Regular Application Deadline: ($100) September 8

Program Fee: $1,600

Program fee: Includes RT airfare LAX to the destination, housing, ground transportation, breakfasts, food stipend, travel insurance, and programming (master classes, performances, and excursions). Program fee DOES NOT INCLUDE SMC tuition, personal spending money, and excursions not cited in the itinerary. Program fees are non-refundable.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Be an SMC Student (Submit Application to Dance Department)
  • Age 18 by January 24th, 2024


Payment by Money Order or Cashier Check highly recommended. (NO CASH) made out to “SMC Dance Department” earmarked “Dance NYC.”

  • Application Fee: $50 by June 5 or $100 — September 8th, 2023 3 p.m.
  • 1st Payment: $400 — September 26, 2023, 3 p.m.
  • 2nd Payment: $400 — October 17, 2023, 3 p.m.
  • 3rd Payment: $400 — November 14, 2023, 3 p.m.
  • Final Payment: $400 — January 9, 2024 3 p.m.

We must receive a minimum of 18 full paid participants for this trip. If we do not have the minimum, SMC will cancel the trip and refund all deposits. Please register for Dance 78 (2 units, Winter of 24) and submit your first payment once notified of acceptance. If we do not receive your first payment by the due date your spot may be opened to the waitlist.

Group fundraising opportunities will be available to help offset the cost of the program.

Help Support SMC Dancers Going to NYC