About the Economics Program
Economists study how society can best use scarce resourcessuch as land, raw materials,
capital, and labor. They analyze the relationships between the supply of goods and
services and the demand for them, as well as how these goods and services are produced,
distributed, and consumed. Some economists work on public issues such as the control
of inflation, business cycles, unemployment, wage, tax, and tariff policies. Economics
is widely recognized as a solid background for a career in business, government, law,
teaching and research.
For additional career possibilities, visit the Career Services Center on the main
campus to utilize computerized career information systems and other valuable career
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Program Paths

Associate in Arts for Transfer
Microeconomics and Macroeconomics involve the study of how society can best use scarce
resources such as land, raw materials, capital, and labor. The course of study analyzes
the relationships between the supply of goods and services and the demand for them,
as well as how these goods and services are produced, distributed, and consumed. Some
economists work on public issues such as the control of inflation, business cycles,
unemployment, wage, tax, and tariff policies.

Transfer Preparation
Many colleges and universities offer baccalaureate degrees in this field. Students
planning to transfer to a four-year college or university need to know which courses
completed at Santa Monica College will be accepted at the specific college/university.
Please consult a Counselor. SMC has transfer articulation agreements with the many UC and CSU campuses, as well as many private and out-of-state institutions.
Potential Career Options
Career Exploration
Resources and Transfer
Students planning to transfer to a four-year college or university should meet with a counselor to discuss which courses need to be taken at SMC before applying to your designer

Student Resources
We know college isn't always easy. We are here to help as you navigate through your
SMC journey. This resource connects to information about Financial Aid, Tutoring Services,
the Center for Wellness and Wellbeing and much more!

Economics is a career education program that does not directly lead to transfer. Students
planning to transfer should talk immediately with an Academic Counselor to discuss
what SMC courses will help you transfer.

Career Opportunities
Consider scheduling an appointment with a career advisor with knowledge of the economics profession to discuss internship and jobs as well as steps you can take to become job ready.
Let us help you get to your successful education goals
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