Student Equity Center

Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA)


GSA tabling on campus

About GSA: 

Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA) is a club under Santa Monica College’s Inter-Club Council (ICC) led by LGBTQIA+ student board members and advisers. GSA strives to create an inclusive environment where students of ALL sexual orientations, gender identities, ethnicities, religions, ages, and other intersectional backgrounds can come together as a community to create awareness and fight inequality at SMC. We are a family-oriented club in the sense that we are accepting-of anyone and everyone (including questioning individuals and allies) who comes through our door so come on down and join the family! For more GSA club information, please refer down below: GSA Club Constitution  

GSA Meeting Times

Tuesdays at 11:15A.M. in the Student Equity Center

How to Become a Member 

Simply join any of our meetings! We recommend that new members email us at to join our email list for all future club updates and events. We hope to see new and returning students! 

Get in Touch! 

GSA Logo

GSA Board - Information about the 2023-2024 Board 

  • President: Maya Laaly 
  • Vice President: Sofia Rossignol 
  • Secretary: Zcjean Ollesca 
  • ICC Delegate: Amelia Fuchs
  • Treasurer: David Wilkinson
  • Social Chairs: Jacinto Diaz 
  • Social Media Chairs: Jorge Ramirez and Zaria Milner

Meet the GSA Advisors




Join the Pride Center Advisory Group 

Santa Monica College's Pride Center Advisory is a community of students, instructors, staff and administrators working for the betterment of the LGBTQ+ community on campus.

Click to join the GSA