Student Government

A.S. Board of Directors

Did you know ?  

Our Associated Students Board of Directors:

  1. Consists of 16 student leaders, which are elected by SMC students every Spring Semester.  See below list of current directors, and our A.S. Elections Webpage.

  2. Main responsibilities are to represent the student body interests to SMC administration and to approve spending of the A.S. funds. See the A.S. Fiscal Policy.

  3. Budget comes from the $10 A.S. Membership Sticker fee that you pay during registration every semester or session.  See our A.S. Membership Webpage.

  4. Meetings are considered public meetings, therefore anyone can attend the A.S. Meetings. Stop by and attend some A.S. Meetings to find out what your board is doing for the student body of SMC.  See our Agendas & Minutes Webpage.

  5. Encourages you to become an A.S. Member ($10 sticker), and get involved in your student government in various ways, either through A.S. Positions or ICC Clubs. See our flyer of A.S. Leadership Opportunities

  6. Encourages you to become aware of the A.S. governing document & each directors' position description.  See the A.S. Constitution & Bylaws (directors duties listed in the bylaws)

A.S. Board of Directors July 1, 2024  -  June 30, 2025

Student  Trustee  term  is  from June 1, 2024 - May 31, 2025.

OFFICE HOURS for each A.S. Director is on their individual webpage,
  • just click on their picture below for their contact information to set up an appointment.
  • In-Person:  Cayton Center, Room #202, above the cafeteria.
  • Zoom:  when you get your appointment date & time, just click on the:   A.S. ZOOM APPOINTMENT MEETING LINK